Saturday, July 27, 2024
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth

Special Issue “Nanoparticles: Their Synthesis and Application to Control Plant-Associated Bacteria”

As an output of Working Group 4 of our EuroXanth COST Action, we are proud to open a call for contributions to the Special Issue “Nanoparticles: Their Synthesis and Application to Control Plant-Associated Bacteria”. This series of publications will appear in the MDPI journal Plants (IF 3.9 in 2020). This interdisciplinary special issue will be edited by five members of the EuroXanth Management Committee, including the WG4 Leader and Vice Leader, and two colleagues from the University of Florida, an international partner of the EuroXanth COST Action.

We encourage researchers to submit their research papers, commentaries, opinions or reviews addressing various aspects of nanoparticles in the context of agricultural applications. Potential topics include:

  • Nanomaterial applications against phytopathogenic bacteria;
  • Nanomaterial applications against human pathogenic bacteria adapted and transmitted via infected plants;
  • Production of novel nanomaterials applicable against plant-associated bacteria;
  • Targeted and timed delivery of nanomaterials in crop production systems;
  • Effect of nanomaterials on the plants and microbiome in crop production systems.

Please consider this Special Issue for your next paper about nanoparticles, their synthesis and application in agriculture!

MDPI website:

The deadline for manuscript submission was January 15, 2023.

With kind regards,
Tamas Kovacs, Miroslav Baránek, Katarina Gašić, Jeffrey B. Jones, Ralf Koebnik, Mathews L. Paret, Emilio Stefani

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