VM Grant call
Call for Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants of the COST Action EuroXanth
We received five applications, all of which have been approved by the MC Core Group. We are happy to announce that the five VM Grants were given to:
Name | Affiliation | Title | Report |
Joana Costa | Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra, Portugal | Transform the compiled and published data in WG1 into a web-based, dynamic resource | Download |
Jaime Cubero | INIA, Madrid, Spain | Assess the opportunity and define the scope and structure for a future COST Action |
Download |
Tamás Kovács | Enviroinvest Corp., Pécs, Hungary | Antibacterial application of nanoparticles in the crop production | Download |
Joël F. Pothier | Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil, Switzerland | Enhancing, valorizing and promoting the WG2/WG3 EuroXanth DokuWiki resource beyond the COST Action limits | Download |
Joana Vicente | School of Life Sciences, Warwick, UK | Enhancing dissemination of outputs from COST Action EuroXanth to increase the Action impact | Download |
Dear colleagues,
The call for application has been opened on June 6, 2021. Applications for VM Grants will be evaluated ad hoc and can be submitted until August 15, 2021. Applications will be evaluated by the Core Group of the EuroXanth COST Action, consisting of the Action Chair, the Action Vice Chair, the four Working Groups Leaders, the Science Communication Manager, the STSM Coordinator, and the ITC Conference Manager, following the criteria, as defined by the Management Committee and outlined above (in bold).
To apply for a VM Grant:
- Describe the Main Objective (max 200 words);
- Submit a Working Plan (max 500 words);
- Provide a Plan for Participation (max 500 words);
- Outline the main expected outputs (max 500 words);
- Explain how this VM Grant will contribute to the COST Action’s Strategy (max 500 words).
Before submission of your application, please familiarise yourself with the following documents:
- Excerpt from the COST Vademecum;
- Virtual Networking Tools User guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards,
Ralf Koebnik (Chair)