Core Group Meeting 2019 (Catania)
When the EuroXanth COST Action CA16107 approached its midterm in April 2019, a Core Group Meeting was organised at the Università degli Studi di Catania, Dipartimento di Agricoltura e Ambiente, in Catania/Sicily, Italy, on February 25-27, 2019, in order to plan the second half of this COST Action.
In addition to Members of the Core Group, key persons from other multi-national initiatives in our field had been invited, thus fostering our links to them, generating synergistic effects and achieving sustainable outputs. This meeting improved the research coordination and capacity building activities of the COST Action, as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, and fostered existing and created new links with the other European initiatives.
The meeting welcomed 21 participants from 14 countries (see below) and served as a platform to discuss strategic issues (organisation of COST events during the upcoming grant periods; preparatory work for tangible Deliverables; budget planning; midterm reporting, opportunities for dissemination activities) and to evaluate approaches how to better encourage Early Career Investigators to take leading positions.
List of Participants
Name | Role | Country | Consortium |
BOCH, Jens | WG3 Leader | DE | EuroXanth |
BOSIS, Eran | WG2 Vice Leader | IL | EuroXanth |
BRAGARD, Claude | Chair | BE | EFSA Panel on Plant Health |
CARUSO, Paola | Coordinator | IT | ORPRAMed |
CATARA, Vittoria | Vice Chair | IT | EuroXanth |
CIRVILLERI, Gabriella | MC Substitute | IT | EuroXanth |
COSTA, Joana | WG1 Leader | PT | EuroXanth |
DREO, Tanja | Panel Member | SI | EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Bacteriology |
EL MOUJABBER, Maroun | Coordinator | IT | Cure-XF |
HOLEVA, Maria C. | MC Member | GR | EuroXanth |
JACQUES, Marie-Agnès | Internal & Financial Monitoring Reporter | FR | EuroXanth |
KALUZNA, Monika | STSM Coordinator | PL | EuroXanth |
KOEBNIK, Ralf | Chair | FR | EuroXanth |
KOVACS, Tamas | WG4 Vice Leader | HU | EuroXanth |
LESTER, Katherine | Coordinator | GB | Euphresco “Xylella fastidiosa and its insect vectors” |
MORELLI, Massimiliano | ECI | IT | EuroXanth |
OBRADOVIC, Aleksa | Panel Member | RS | POnTE |
PEŇÁZOVÁ, Eliška | ECI | CZ | EuroXanth |
POTHIER, Joël F. | WG2 Leader | CH | EuroXanth |
SAPONARI, Maria | Coordinator | IT | XF-ACTORS and Euphresco “Harmonized protocol for monitoring and detection of Xylella fastidiosa in its host plants and its vectors” |
VICENTE, Joana | Science Communication Manager | GB | EuroXanth |
The Minutes of the Core Group Meeting are available for download: Core Group Meeting Catania 2019 Minutes.