STSM call 1
First call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) of the COST Action EuroXanth
We received ten applications, eight of which were approved by the STSM Committee. We are happy the announce that the eight STSM Grants were given to:
Name | Affiliation | Title | Host | Report |
Patricia Bella | University of Palermo, Dept. of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Italy |
Validation of a new LAMP assay for the identification and detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in brassica plants and seeds using the ICGENE system |
University of Warwick, UK |
Download |
Alice Boulanger | National institute for agronomic research and Toulouse III University, France |
Genetics of bacterial fitness of X. campestris in vitro and in planta |
University of California Berkeley, USA
Download |
Giusy D’Attoma | Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy | Xylella fastidiosa: studies on host-pathogen interactions | Auburn University, Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, USA | Download |
Luca De Vincenti | Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy | Unravelling the antibiofilm effects of plant-derived compounds at non- lethal concentrations against the phytopathogenic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa | Auburn University, Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, USA | Download |
Tanja Dreo | National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia | Optimization of controlled in vitro growth of Xylella fastidiosa strains | Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries & Food Research, Merelbeke, Belgium | Download |
Lionel Gagnevin | Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, Montpellier, France | Exploring the Naturalis Biodiversity Center herbarium for Xanthomonas symptoms on Rutaceae and Euphorbiaceae in order to reconstruct the evolution and emergence of diseases on Citrus and Cassava | Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden, The Netherlands | Download |
Manka Pirc | National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia | Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for characterization and subspecies identification Xylella fastidiosa strains | INRA, Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds, Beaucouzé, France | Download |
Maria Salzano | CREA – OFA, Italy | Studies on Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) survival on Citrus rutaceous relatives | National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology, Madrid, Spain | Download |
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the opening of the 1st call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) of the COST Action EuroXanth: Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe. We are now receiving applications for STSM due to take place between November 1, 2017, and March 16, 2018.
The deadline for application was 15th September 2017.
Generally, STSM are:
- exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST country;
- aimed at fostering collaboration, sharing new techniques and infrastructure that may not be available in other participants’ institutions or laboratories;
- minimum of 5 calendar days and a maximum of 90 calendar days.
The financial contribution for such a STSM will be a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the evaluation of the application by the STSM assessment committee (max. 2500 € covering travel and subsistence with max. 160 € per day for accommodation and meal expenses).
Specific additional provisions are possible to encourage the participation of Early Career Investigators (ECI) in STSM. Persons qualifying as an ECI (an individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate) are invited to apply for long ECI-STSM, if justified by the work plan. To qualify for these specific provisions, the following conditions apply:
- The mission must have a minimum duration of 91 calendar days.
- The mission must have a maximum duration of 180 calendar days.
The financial contribution for such a long ECI-STSM will be a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the evaluation of the application by the STSM assessment committee (max. 3500 € covering travel and subsistence with max. 160 € per day for accommodation and meal expenses).
To apply, please register at e-COST and complete the online application form at and send the following documents to the STSM Coordinator (Dr Monika Kałużna,, to the Chair (Dr Ralf Koebnik, and to the Grant Holder Administrator (Audrey Canado-Janjon,
- written agreement of the host institution,
- letter of support from the home institution (written agreement from the supervisor or group leader),
- supporting documents (CV of max. 2 pages, scientific work plan of max. 2 pages [max. 4 pages for long ECI-STSM], list of publications, covering letter, cost estimate for travel and subsistence).
Please consult the COST Vademecum for more details on eligibility for application and the reimbursement rules. Please be aware that you need to provide all travel documents and a written report within 4 weeks after return from the STSM in order to get reimbursed.
Specific provisions have been introduced to enable researchers from ITC participating in the respective COST Action to receive 50% of their STSM Grant when they complete the first day of their STSM. The remaining 50% of the Grant is payable once the administrative requirements have been satisfied.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards,
Monika Kałużna (STSM Coordinator)
Ralf Koebnik (Chair)
Audrey Canado-Janjon (Grant Holder Administrator)