Tuesday, February 11, 2025
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth

Conference Grant call 4

Fourth call for a Conference Grant from the COST Action EuroXanth


We received two eligible applications but none of them has been approved by the STSM/ITC Committee due to insufficient link to the specific goals and objectives of the EuroXanth COST Action.


Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the opening of the 4th call for a Conference Grant from the COST Action EuroXanth. Conference grants are intended to support the participation of Early Career Investigators[1] from Inclusiveness Target Countries[2] at international conferences.
We are receiving applications for the 4th International Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases (BIOCONTROL 2019) in Viterbo, Italy, from July 9 to 11, 2019.
BIOCONTROL 2019 will focus on the main scientific, technical and political aspects related to the management of the most serious bacterial plant diseases occurring worldwide.
The symposium was developed into 9 core section:
  • Interactions between plants and microbiomes;
  • Genetics and Genomics: Basis for innovative control strategies;
  • Epidemiology and forecasting models;
  • Biocontrol of bacterial diseases;
  • Fire blight control: innovation from science to field applications;
  • Improvements in Bacterial Wilt biocontrol;
  • Sustainable strategies for the control of fastidious bacteria and their insect vectors;
  • Production, Safety and Regulation of Biocontrol Agents;
  • Science and Politics meet Industry.
If you wish to attend this conference, please register at this URL: https://www.biocontrol2019.com/registration.html. For support by the EuroXanth COST Action, please send a letter of motivation (including a budget request), the abstract of your presentation, a confirmation of acceptance of your presentation and your CV (max. 2 pages plus list of publications, if applicable) to the ITC Conference Grant Coordinator (Dr Katarina Gasic, gasickatarina@yahoo.com) and to the Chair (Dr Ralf Koebnik, ralf.koebnik@ird.fr) until June 10, 2019.
All applications will go through selection by the STSM/ITC Conference Grant Committee and successful applicants will be made aware of the decision by June 24, 2019. Evaluation criteria are the scientific quality of the presentation, a clear link to the EuroXanth COST Action and how the mission can support the Action in achieving its scientific objectives.
Successful applicants will receive a EuroXanth COST Action Conference Grant. A Conference Grant is a fixed financial contribution which takes into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the application by the delegated person(s). Conference Grants do not necessarily cover all of the expenses related to participating in a given conference. A Conference Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee.
The calculation of the financial contribution for each Conference Grant must respect the following criteria:
  • Up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant;
  • Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day can be afforded for accommodation and meal expenses;
  • Up to a maximum of EUR 500 can be claimed for the conference fees to be incurred by the selected Grantee.
Please consult the relevant COST website for more details on eligibility for application and the reimbursement rules. Please be aware that you need to provide a report about your mission, all travel documents and relevant receipts (registration fee) within 4 weeks after return from the conference in order to receive the Conference Grant.
If you are aware of other conferences with relevance to the EuroXanth COST Action, please feel free to share your suggestions with us so that we can include them in future Conference Grants calls.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards,
Katarina Gasic (ITC Conference Grant Coordinator)
Ralf Koebnik (Chair)

[1] An individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent).

[2] Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey (countries in red did not join the EuroXanth COST Action yet and are therefore not eligible for support by this COST Action).