Thursday, January 23, 2025
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth

Dissemination Meeting 2017 (Reims)

The 1st Dissemination Meeting took place in Reims, France, in the frame of the 1st International Symposium on Plant Bioprotection Sciences & Technologies (June 27-30, 2017). Our EuroXanth COST Action was presented by our WG4 Leader Emilio Stefani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy).

The main goal of this symposium was to bring together the experience of worldwide scientists and industrials from different disciplines (plant-microbe interactions, plant physiology, molecular biology, pathology, etc …) whose activities focus on plant protection by beneficial microorganisms and natural elicitors. A more comprehensive and detailed knowledge on this strategic field for the agriculture of the 21st century was to be provided. Topics included:
  • Elicitors and plant innate immunity
  • Microbial sensing and induced resistance
  • Biocontrol in greenhouse and field trials
  • Industrial perspectives about biocontrol
Thanks a lot, Emilio, for your talk in Reims on June 29!