Thursday, January 23, 2025
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth


There are three major categories of COST grants:

Short Term Scientific Missions

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are institutional visits aimed at supporting individual mobility fostering collaboration between individuals. One or two calls per year will invite applications for STSM. 

ITC Conference Grants

Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and ECI researchers from Participating ITC to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action. Suggestions and applications for Conference Grants will be considered throughout the time span of the COST Action.

Virtual Networking Tools

Virtual Networking Tools include Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grants and Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants. VNS Grants aim at promoting virtual collaboration to complement traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation communities. VM Grants aim at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate Action results, etc.