VNS Grant call
Call for a Virtual Support Networking (VNS) Grant from the COST Action EuroXanth
We received one application, which has been approved by the MC Core Group. We are happy to announce that the VNS Grants was given to:
- Ralf Koebnik, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France (Grant Report for Download)
Dear colleagues,
The call for application has been opened on June 6, 2021, with the deadline set to June 19, 2021. Applications will be evaluated by the Core Group of the EuroXanth COST Action, consisting of the Action Chair, the Action Vice Chair, the four Working Groups Leaders, the Science Communication Manager, the STSM Coordinator, and the ITC Conference Manager, following the criteria, as defined by the Management Committee and outlined above (in bold).
To apply for the VNS Grant:
- Describe how the COST Action can benefit from developing virtual networking activities (max 500 words);
- Outline the strategy for virtual networking (max 500 words).
Before submission of your application, please familiarise yourself with the following documents:
- Excerpt from the COST Vademecum;
- Virtual Networking Tools User guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards,
Ralf Koebnik (Chair)