Working Group Meeting (WG2 & WG3)
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to inform you that the EuroXanth COST Action (CA 16107) will hold a WG2-WG3 meeting on Xanthomonadaceae effectome and resistance in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France on 12 September 2017.
Participation to this meeting implies also active participation (oral presentation or poster) to the joint workshop of the two French scientific networks “Effectome” and “Resistance” that will take place from 12-15 September 2017.
More information on the venue and the scope of the “Effectome-Resistance” workshop entitled “Deciphering plant-microbe interactions for sustainable crop production” can be found here:
The COST EuroXanth WG2-WG3 meeting will also be held at the Oceanographic Center, an internationally renowned institution for marine research and teaching in Banyuls-sur-Mer located on the Mediterranean coast, close to the Spanish border:
The COST EuroXanth WG2-WG3 meeting will coordinate the research work and establish the tasks needed for the completion of the Action objectives related to these two WG.
The call for COST EuroXanth reimbursement eligibility is now open. If you wish to attend the meeting, submit through email to one of the Working Group leaders with CC to the other (WG2: Joël Pothier / WG3: Jens Boch) and with copy to the Chair of the Action (Ralf Koebnik) the following documents:
- a completed application form (press here to download)
- an abstract of your contribution (including title, authors, author affiliation, and maximum 250-word summary) for the “Effectome/Resistance” workshop
- one page curriculum vitae
The deadline for applications is Monday, 24th April 2017. All applications will go through selection by a EuroXanth ad hoc committee and successful applicants will be made aware of the decision by early May.
Since the number of participants that can be reimbursed by the EuroXanth COST Action is limited, we want to emphasize that completing the attached application form and submitting an abstract of your contribution is an application for registration. Completing the form and submitting an abstract does NOT mean that you are allocated a place at the meeting. Please do not make any travel bookings until you have received an e-COST confirmation that your application to attend the meeting has been approved.
Successful applicants will be eligible for expenses reimbursement by the EuroXanth COST Action. Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs will be reimbursed, in line with the COST Travel Reimbursement Rules (see COST Vademecum) but please note that a flat rate of maximum 340 € for subsistence for 2.5 days (2 nights, 5 meals, depending on the itinerary) and up to a maximum of 625 € for transportation will be applied. Additionally be aware that the registration fee (130 € incl. taxes covering three lunches and three dinners) for the “Effectome-Resistance” workshop cannot be reimbursed by the EuroXanth COST Action.
Please forward this call to anyone who may be interested in applying.
With kind regards,
Ralf Koebnik
Chair of the COST Action