Saturday, July 27, 2024
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth
Job opening

PhD student for Resistance Gene Identification in the Xanthomonas – Ryegrass Pathosystem

This is to announce a new PhD position on Resistance Gene Identification in the Xanthomonas – Ryegrass Pathosystem at the ETH Zürich (Switzerland).

The successful candidate will work on (i) fine-mapping of the previously identified major QTL for Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis (Xtg) resistance and characterising novel sources of resistance in Lolium multiflorum (Lm) breeding germplasm, (ii) improving the Xtg reference sequence, characterising unique virulence factors of Xtg through comparative genomics and identifying their potential targets in Lm, (iii) identifying genes differentially expressed in the host and the pathogen during infection and further characterising the host-pathogen interaction, and (iv) identifying and validating novel candidate resistance genes in Lm for the implementation of more efficient breeding strategies to improve bacterial wilt resistance.

For more information, please download the job announcement from our EuroXanth website.

With kind regards,
Ralf Koebnik
IRD Montpellier

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