Training School on “Molecular typing of Xanthomonadaceae – from epidemiological surveillance to outbreak investigation”
This is the first announcement of the 5-day Training School on “Molecular typing of Xanthomonadaceae – from epidemiological surveillance to outbreak investigation“, which will take place in Wädenswil, Switzerland, from July 15-19, 2019. We are now receiving applications – please consult our website. We are planning to support 18 trainees in total, covering most of their expenses by specific COST Action grants.
The 2nd Training School of the EuroXanth COST Action will address tools and technologies used for molecular typing of bacteria of the Xanthomonadaceae family at different taxonomic levels with a strong focus on DNA-based approaches to study genetic diversity and population structure, from the genus to the strain level. The Training School will introduce databases and software tools to analyse data from 16S rRNA gene, MALDI-TOF MS, genome-wide ANI/SNP, MLST/MLSA, VNTR/MLVA, and CRISPR analyses. The Training School will explain concepts and methods and will give ample room for hands-on activities on different datasets, accompanied by a few seminars and demonstrations.
With kind regards,
Joël Pothier (Local Organiser)
Ralf Koebnik (Chair of the COST Action)