Saturday, July 27, 2024
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth
CallEventTraining School

Training School on “Prognosis & Advanced Diagnosis on Xanthomonadaceae”

This is the first announcement of the 5-day Training School on “Prognosis & Advanced Diagnosis on Xanthomonadaceae“, which will take pace in Heraklion/Crete, Greece, from February 12-16, 2018. We are now receiving applications – please consult our website. We are planning to support 18 trainees in total, covering most of their expenses by specific COST Action grants.

We are planning to address the following topics in this Training School:

  • Day 1: Theory – Preparatory steps for “Hands on” experience – Introduction to Prognosis (Know thyself),
  • Day 2: How to properly prepare samples from my infected tissues / “Hands on” experience,
  • Day 3: Further tools on Prognosis & Advanced Diagnosis on Xanthomonadaceae” – Commercial providers / Demonstration, “Hands on” experience and Round-table discussion
  • Day 4: Genome sequencing techniques, population genomics and phylogeny as tools for diagnosis / Demonstration
  • Day 5: Bioinformatics and Imaging techniques – Analysis of NGS data from Xanthomonadaceae samples / Demonstration and “Hands on” experience.

With kind regards,
Filippos Ververidis and Panos Sarris (Local Organisers)
Ralf Koebnik (Chair of the COST Action)
Audrey Canado-Janjon (Grant Holder Administrator)

One thought on “Training School on “Prognosis & Advanced Diagnosis on Xanthomonadaceae”

  • This is an interesting activity to be trained and work correctly to identify Xanthomonadaceaes and specific strains. Personally, I am very interested to participate. I am involved in a Xanthomonas program in tomato and pepper crops in Guatemala, Central America.

    Congratulation to organize this spectacular activity.


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