Saturday, July 27, 2024
COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth

Special Issue “Decipher the Diversity of Phytopathogenic Bacteria by Comparative and Functional Genomics”

Our colleague Frédérique Van Gijsegem serves as a guest editor for the Special Issue “Decipher the Diversity of Phytopathogenic Bacteria by Comparative and Functional Genomics. This publication will appear in the MDPI journal Microorganisms  (IF 4.2 in 2019).

We encourage researchers to submit their research papers, commentaries or reviews addressing various aspects of the investigation of plant-pathogenic Xanthomonadaceae. Some of the potential topics include:

  • Plant–microbe interactions; 
  • Phytopathogenic bacteria in non-host environments; 
  • Comparative genomics; 
  • Diversity of regulatory networks governing virulence and habitat adaptation; 
  • Evolution of phytopathogens.

Please consider this Special Issue for your next paper on Xanthomonas and/or Xylella!

MDPI website:

The deadline for manuscript submission was November 15, 2021.

With kind regards,
Ralf Koebnik

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